Welcome to the sponsorship page for Rivertown Detroit Assocation! We are excited to offer you the opportunity to become a sponsor and support our mission to promote community development and revitalization in the Rivertown area of Detroit. Our annual and monthly meetings, website, newsletters and social media channels serves as a platform to showcase local businesses, events, and community initiatives, while also providing valuable information and resources for residents and visitors alike.
As a sponsor, you will not only have the opportunity to reach a wider audience, but also demonstrate your commitment to making a positive impact in our community. Thank you for considering a sponsorship and we look forward to partnering with you!
The Rivertown Detroit Association is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Donations & sponsorships are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
Presented By Credit on Website Home Page, Events, and Materials
Dedicated Space on Website
Sponsor Page
Logo Branding & Link From Rivertown Website
Monthly Event Recognition
Company Logo/Website Link
in Newsletters
Company Logo/Website Link in
Event Emails
Five (5) Social Media Announcements
Three (3) Social Media Announcements
One (1) Social Media Announcement